There are many opportunities to become more involved at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

If you are interested in joining any of the following groups/ministries, please let a member of the Vestry or the rector know.

  • Vestry/Wardens - this is the governing body of the church and new members are elected each year.
  • Finance Committee - meets regularly to manage the finances of the church.
  • Episcopal Church Women - the ECW is a group of key women who meet to discuss and manage various fund-raising activities and other church matters.
  • Stewardship Chair - chairs a committe that fosters a culture of commitment and good steweardship.
  • Property Chair - Assists with management of church properties.
  • Youth Group - comprised of the youth members Grades 6- 12 and Young adults to the age of Thirty. Talks in fellowship, bible study, and community service.
  • Altar Guild - prepares the altar for services each week.
  • Ushers - ushers pass out bulletins and assist parishioners and guests.
  • Greeters - greeters greet parishioners attending Sunday morning services.
  • Lectors - lectors read biblical passages aloud during the Sunday services.
  • Acolytes - participate in Sunday services, assisting the rector during communion.
  • Intercessors and Chalice Bearers - assist the rector in delivering the sacrements of communion.
  • Counters - tallies and records the weekly collections.
  • Administrative Helpers - helps with office duties, mailings, filing, typing, etc.