St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
St. Stephens Episcopal Church recognizes the needs of our community are great.
The church supports the three programs listed below by collecting items each month for a program on a rotating basis. Items may be brought to the church on Monday, Wednesday or Friday during office hours - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Monetary donations can be made out to St. Stephens and marked for the specific Program. For more information or how to contact a program directly, please click on the program name.
Items collected in April are for Community Missions
The list of things needed for April are: Toiletries (Women's hygiene). Pots and pans (new or used),
Tops or Wegman's gift cards.
May God continue to bless you and keep you.
Heart Love & Soul
"Heart, Love & Soul is a non-profit hunger-relief and social services agency in Niagara Falls dedicated to serving those in need"
Niagara Gospel Mission