St. Stephens Episcopal Church recognizes the needs of our community are great.
The church supports the three programs listed below by collecting items each month for a program on a rotating basis. Items may be brought to the church on Monday, Wednesday or Friday during office hours - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Monetary donations can be made out to St. Stephens and marked for the specific Program. For more information or how to contact a program directly, please click on the program name.

 Items collected in April are for Community Missions

The list of things needed for April are: Toiletries (Women's hygiene). Pots and pans (new or used),
Tops or Wegman's gift cards.

May God continue to bless you and keep you.

      Heart Love & Soul

"Heart, Love & Soul is a non-profit hunger-relief and social services agency in Niagara Falls dedicated to serving those in need"

        Welcome to Community Missions

"Since its founding in 1925, Community Missions (CMI) has provided a unique blend  of services to address the needs of the Niagara community. In general, CMI serves a vulnerable population of individuals that, through a variety of circumstances, have been underserved, marginalized, overlooked and challenging in their presentations and behaviors."

Niagara Gospel Mission
"Niagara Gospel Mission is committed to making a difference in the City of Niagara Falls, New York, and surrounding communities by meeting the spiritual and practical needs of homeless and hurting men to find help and the support they need to change their lives. We believe that God’s unconditional love can transform any person from the most difficult situation to an abundant life in Jesus Christ. Our services also reach out to the poor and needy in the City of Niagara Falls by offering basic needs such as meals and clothing."